Texas High School Coaches Wives Association
is a 501 (c)(3) organization

About the Organization
The Texas High School Coaches' Wives Association was established in 1985 with the mission statement: "To help the Texas High School Coaches
Association maintain the highest possible
standard in athletics and the coaching
profession and to work together with the
THSCA Board of Directors for the improvement
of conditions of Texas high school athletics.
To promote good fellowship and social contact among coaches' wives."

State Officers
President: Justine Palmer
President Elect: Clara Simmons
Secretary: Kristen Haywood
Treasurer: Cynthia Griffing
Past President: Misty Houston

regional directors
Autumn Softley
Assistant: Kayla Henry
Erin Smith
Assistant: Leigh Montgomery

Angie Martinez
Assistant: Kourtney Villegas

Lyndsey Ratliff
Assistant: Liz Woodard

Melissa Leidner
Assistant: Catherine Faught

Rita Romero
Assistant: Courtney Reeve

Angie Torres
Assistant: Gentry Staugh

Amanda Aguirre
Assistant: Hilary Moore