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What do the wives do at coaching school?We have our own convention at a nearby hotel. PArticipate as much or as little as you want. We have sessions and activities, play games, meet other wives, share ideas, and have a business meeting for the organization.
Can I bring my kids to Coaching School?Children are welcome, but most events (daytime and evening) are not geared towards kids. Most couples choose not to bring children and treat it as a last hurrah together before school starts.
What do THSCWA dues go towards?Your dues pay for scholarships.
I love the THSCWA merchandise! Can I order it even if I don't attend Coaching School?We are working on this!
How can I become more involved with the organization?Attend the Business Meeting at Coaching School and become an Assisstant Regional Director. You will eventually roll up to Regional Director and then you can become a State Officer. If you live in a city that is hosting Coaching School, the local wives always need lots of help organizing. Reach out to an officer to volunteer.
Do I get any perks from becoming a member?Many schools do use the THSCWA membership card as a family pass to get get into games free. (Not all districts allow this. Please check with the district before the game!) The membership also allows your senior to apply for a scholarship. Also, your small payment for the membership helps provide several scholarships for coaches' kids each year.
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